• Should Gabriel start up a fourth store under the franchisee of President Chain Store Corporation?

Authors: Shih-Hsiung Hsiao, Wen-Hua Yang, Chung-Cheng Lee & Kuan-Jen Chou

Pages: 119-140


Publish date: 2021/04/01

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This article aims to guide students as they attempt to assess the situation of the case and study the relevant materials specified in advance, so as to first understand the various problems that may occur when a franchise convenience chain store expands to form multiple stores. This will be the basis for conducting class discussions. During the class, the teacher will first present an introduction on the topic of franchise convenience chain store development, then allow students think about aspects regarding the franchise headquarters and franchisee. Based on the various franchise systems, the systematic, cognition and emotional views may cause certain the impact and limitations concerning the "Commercial Circle Survey and Site Evaluation" tool. Additionally, a range of methods are used for various analyses, combined with the interpretation of site-related information such as satellite maps, comprehensive consideration of past successful experiences and evaluation blind spots, along with confirmation and analysis of key information. To draw specific conclusions, students will be given the opportunity to simulate whether the franchisee should continue to invest in the decision-making process for starting up a fourth store.

Keyword: Chain convenience store, store expansion decision-making, franchise chain, commercial district survey and location assessment, economy of scope


Shih-Hsiung Hsiao, Wen-Hua Yang, Chung-Cheng Lee & Kuan-Jen Chou (2021), "Should Gabriel start up a fourth store under the franchisee of President Chain Store Corporation?" Management Review, 40(2), 119-140. https://doi.org/10.6656/MR.202104_40(2).ENG119