Is Wai-Sin a Young Murderer?─Conflict Resolution and Deadlock in the Internet Era
In the Internet era, using social media to seek help and justice during a conflict has become a common practice for many people. These actions have led to instances of cyberbullying and other examples of harm to those involved. The objective of this case study is to help students to understand how to handle these conflicts. This case presents an incident involving two junior high school students. One student pushed the other, which results in the other being hit
by a car, causing serious injury. The students participating in these case discussions are expected to roleplay as the parents of the two involved parties, and they are tasked with reaching a settlement for this incident. After the roleplay, the participants will partake in further discussions regarding conflict resolution and methods to avoid deadlock.
Keywords: Conflict Resolution, Internet Justice, Cyberbullying
Hsiu-Li Liao & Su-Houn Liu (2019), "Is Wai-Sin a Young Murderer?─Conflict Resolution and Deadlock in the Internet Era," Management Review, 38(2), 193-204. https://doi.org/10.6656/MR.201904_38(2).ENG193