Vol.30 Issue.1, 2011

  • Partner Resources, Entrepreneurial Strategies, and Entrepreneurial Performance: A Study of Taiwanese Information and Technology New Venture

Authors: Kuo-Pin Yang & Hsin-Hua Hsiung

Pages: 135-138

Publish date: 2011/01/01

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In light of the lack of empirical evidence regarding entrepreneurial strategies in developing countries, this study proposed a resource-strategy-performance framework with testable hypotheses to explore the antecedents of new venture strategies and examine the growth and risk implications of the strategies. Three entrepreneurial strategies were examined, namely, technology capability (follower vs. pioneer), target market (local vs. global), and product market maturity (emerging vs. existing). Our three-year observations of two hundred technology-based start-ups, operating between four to six years, confirmed the role of entrepreneurial partnership as a positive antecedent of entrepreneurial strategies. While the degree of internationalization and the entrance into emerging product market were positively related to growth and level of risk, technology capability did not help achieve rapid growth of sales, nor did it incur high levels of risks.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Partner resource, Entrepreneurial Strategy, Entrepreneurial Performance, High-tech start-up


Kuo-Pin Yang & Hsin-Hua Hsiung (2011), "Partner Resources, Entrepreneurial Strategies, and Entrepreneurial Performance: A Study of Taiwanese Information and Technology New Venture" , 30 (1), Management Review, 135-138.